Android management in China – what are your options?

After I published the article regarding the enrollment of Android devices in closed networks, the hottest question was how to apply it for China. The answer is as usual “it depends”. If you want to know more – read on! What’s the problem?What options are available?What is the optimal approach? What’s the problem? Problem is... Continue Reading →

Remediate the Pixel4 and Galaxy S10 biometric security flaws with Workspace ONE

I am pretty sure you've heard already about the issues with Samsung Galaxy S10 fingerprint sensor and Google Pixel 4 Face Unlock. Both companies have acknowledged the issues and committed to releasing the patches "soon" (Samsung is said to be testing fixes in certain countries already). What can you in the meantime? With Workspace ONE... Continue Reading →

Hidden TCPdump and ETHtool on VMware UAG

VMware UAG (Unified Access Gateway) is a cool little security appliance, deployable on vSphere, AWS, Azure etc that hosts a lot of Workspace ONE edge services: Horizon Proxy, Web Reverse Proxy, Tunnel VPN Gateway, Content Gateway and (since 3.6) the Secure Email Gateway. The challenge is that the thing was built to be headless and... Continue Reading →

Is Mobile in your comfort zone?

A colleague of mine shared this post on LinkedIn, about his recent mobile work experience. Conceptually, nothing in that post was really new - we could do the same 10+ years ago. So why are we still hearing then "I'll get this info to you when I get to the office" or similar replies? My... Continue Reading →

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