WING5 Q&A: Controller with local APs and remote APs. Which MiNT link levels to use?

This is a very popular question that is asked at literally every WING5 training (and, I must admit, due to misinterpretation I was giving out the wrong answer, so read this). Getting those link levels is easy, troubleshooting the resulting system instability issues is not easy. We typically know that single-site scenarios use Level 1... Continue Reading →

Wi-Fi Riddles: Strong signal = bad signal?

While I was working on the next part of the "Unobvious and overlooked Wi-Fi" (which is about channels), I got an interesting knowledge nugget from our engineering. We all know that there is a lower limit to receiver sensitivity, we all know that there must be some upper limit, after which the Rx signal is... Continue Reading →

Wi-Fi Riddles: Faster speeds require weaker signals?

A discussion of my previous post in the 802.11 Wireless professionals group lead to a discovery of a new bit of overlooked knowledge! Many thanks to Eduard Garcia-Villegas and Mike Rex, who turned my attention to this one. Ever wondered why faster rates have smaller effective distance? It was always attributed to signal fading - higher rates... Continue Reading →

Wi-Fi, the unobvious and overlooked: Power.

Everyone nowadays buys 'super-fast' 802.11n or 802.11ac APs, but not everyone manages to get super-fast connection with them. In this article we'll discuss the not-so-obvious or often overlooked nuances that can substantially improve (or impair) the Wi-Fi connection. Everything below is applicable both to small home networks with off-the-shelf consumer-grade routers using stock and advanced... Continue Reading →

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