Limiting users that can log into a Win10 PC using Restricted Groups CSP

The title says it for itself. It is a useful capability for shared workstations and other scenarios, where the PC access needs to be limited. The credit goes to this blog post on, you can read it for full details and pictures I just want to make a few points that I've taken out... Continue Reading →

Simplifying LetsEncrypt on Windows – CryptLE automation

In this post we will talk about using the CryptLE on Windows to quickly generate and renew certificates for your virtual appliances with LetsEncrypt (which was not originally designed to provide certificates for virtual appliances). Preface Being a cheap smart person that I am, I run my small cloud setup (Domain + SSL) completely for... Continue Reading →

VMware Launcher on Android Enterprise – nuances

I regularly get questions from customers and partners who used kiosk mode on older Device Admin devices with VMware (then AirWatch) Launcher, and have issues since they had migrated to Android Enterprise and Launcher 4.0+. In this post you will learn how to: Solve the most frequent (and annoying) issue when migrating Launcher setups to... Continue Reading →

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