[Recommended] Wireless LAN Professionals Podcast

Just finished listening to http://www.wlanpros.com/wlw052-7-rules-accurate-site-surveys/ by Keith Parsons. Highly recommended - a very good summarisation of site survey lore: What do do on a site survey What not to do on a site survey How can others cheat on a site survey (= do not do it) Active vs Passive survey Spectrum analyzers And more... Continue Reading →

Plan ‘W’ from outer space

There's been a bit of fuss in the press around the Outernet project (https://www.outernet.is/).  Long story short, they are promising free Internet, including wi-fi, to the world from low-earth orbit satellites, using broadcast model.  There is little to none no technical details, but there's a form to accept donations. 🙂 Now, my feeling is that... Continue Reading →

Wi-Fi, the unobvious and overlooked: Power.

Everyone nowadays buys 'super-fast' 802.11n or 802.11ac APs, but not everyone manages to get super-fast connection with them. In this article we'll discuss the not-so-obvious or often overlooked nuances that can substantially improve (or impair) the Wi-Fi connection. Everything below is applicable both to small home networks with off-the-shelf consumer-grade routers using stock and advanced... Continue Reading →

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