RIP AirWatch Container – move to Hub Registered Mode

Yesterday, the end of general support announcement for AW Container (the app) was posted in VMware KB effective as of August 9 2020. This is a long expected move, but I know that there are still customers out there using it on unmanaged devices for MAM only mode. What can they do to replace the... Continue Reading →

Workspace ONE Notifications in Intelligent Hub – a real-life use case

A few weeks ago, like many others, we were hit by an O365 Exchange outage. What does usually an admin do, when something is down? -Send an email! But what do you do when email is also down? Ring/Text everyone? Blast it in Teams/Skype/Slack/etc? Pigeons? This is what happened in our case with Workspace ONE Notifications API... Continue Reading →

Is Mobile in your comfort zone?

A colleague of mine shared this post on LinkedIn, about his recent mobile work experience. Conceptually, nothing in that post was really new - we could do the same 10+ years ago. So why are we still hearing then "I'll get this info to you when I get to the office" or similar replies? My... Continue Reading →

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