Check if a Microsoft Form comes from a trusted source

When you open a Microsoft Form asking you for some sensitive data, do you know where will your data land? Could it be phishing? Read on to find out... Recently, I have received an email at work asking me to fill out a form with some of sensitive personal details (voluntary disclosure).  I don't mind... Continue Reading →

Adding FIDO2 + Windows Hello fingerprint auth to Workspace ONE

This will be a short "recipe" type of post on how to showcase a new feature that was introduced in latest Workspace ONE Access SaaS release (sorry, no news for on prem now): FIDO2 auth. The video shows Yubikey, which I don't have, so I will be using Windows Hello (which in turn will use... Continue Reading →

Android 11 COPE and the end of Internal apps

We know about the changes to Android 11 COPE, and how they affect the EMMs. One aspect that was slightly overlooked though, is what happens to Internal apps, which many organizations are still employing. We have recently released a KB, which caused a bit of panic between customers and colleagues. Let’s dive deeper and see... Continue Reading →

Hidden TCPdump and ETHtool on VMware UAG

VMware UAG (Unified Access Gateway) is a cool little security appliance, deployable on vSphere, AWS, Azure etc that hosts a lot of Workspace ONE edge services: Horizon Proxy, Web Reverse Proxy, Tunnel VPN Gateway, Content Gateway and (since 3.6) the Secure Email Gateway. The challenge is that the thing was built to be headless and... Continue Reading →

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