Do non-overlapping channels overlap?

We all know the "non-overlapping" channels 1/6/11 in 2.4GHz (5GHz matter is similar). Do they really not overlap? I keep bumping into this in conversations, and would like to create a point of reference (with pictures) instead of having to repeat same old over and over. Since we a dealing with broadband technology, the signal... Continue Reading →

What 802.11ax is not

I normally do not publish the "link to" posts, preferring to share on LinkedIn, but Devin Akin well deserves it. Matches my perspective 98%+, especially the point on 802.11ac stillborn MU-MIMO. Preamble: Aerohive has released the first 802.11ax APs (the official 802.11ax standard spec is not final yet) - so expect the marketing race. TL... Continue Reading →

WING5 CLI Tip: Running config at-a-glance

Often you have to deal with existing AP/Controller and need to understand what's configured on it. Of course, you can click 100500 times in the GUI all over the place, or read through 20+ pages of "show run" output (those who've been to my WING5 training should remember the little space-bar-thrashing exercise). For instance, the... Continue Reading →

How Android measures WLAN signal strength

Ever wondered how Android decides how many bars to show in the WLAN indicator? (Well, the “bars” are gone, but there’s still exactly the same number of levels) While going through Android source code  I’ve found this:  >> * RSSI levels as used by notification icon * Level 4  -55 <= RSSI * Level... Continue Reading →

What is nSight?

One of the three key highlight of WiNG 5.8 release is nSight - a new WLAN monitoring, visualization and troubleshooting support solution. I am currently demonstrating nSight as part on our WLN2018 next-gen WING5 class, and students seem to like it a lot. This post briefly outlines the key high-level ideas behind nSight. I'm planning... Continue Reading →

WiNG 5.7 Release Summary

WiNG 5.7 is finally out and available on Support portal. Here's a brief summary of main features and comments about them. New product support. Because of the timing overlap some of the products released around 5.6 release were not actually supported by 5.6.x and were supported by special 5.5.x instead. Now everything is back to... Continue Reading →

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