Quickly validate and enable manual application uninstall via Intune Company Portal using Graph API

I am back and the titles are getting longer! If you are an Intune admin, you will probably be happy to know that one of the most required features has landed: Uninstall Win32 and Microsoft store apps using the Windows Company Portal. One thing you need to be aware of, is that this feature is... Continue Reading →

Building a custom Windows Update Report p1: Parsing HTML via PowerShell on modern systems (no IE)

Wow, it's been a while! A customer of mine recently wanted a detailed report that should include info such as how many weeks is the Windows on the machine behind the latest available Security Update. We've found to a way to combine Intune Data Warehouse and PowerBI to pull data that allows to identify the... Continue Reading →

App version management in Android Enterprise – Managed Play Closed Tracks and their nuances

If you think my titles are wordy, check the official title of good old Robinson Crusoe! Anyway, today we will look at two important things: Using Managed Google Play feature called Closed Tracks to control app versions and update cycles in two scenarios:Multiple "deployment rings" for different device groupsDeveloper having customers with different update cyclesImportant... Continue Reading →

Android 11 COPE and the end of Internal apps

We know about the changes to Android 11 COPE, and how they affect the EMMs. One aspect that was slightly overlooked though, is what happens to Internal apps, which many organizations are still employing. We have recently released a KB, which caused a bit of panic between customers and colleagues. Let’s dive deeper and see... Continue Reading →

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