Remediate the Pixel4 and Galaxy S10 biometric security flaws with Workspace ONE

I am pretty sure you've heard already about the issues with Samsung Galaxy S10 fingerprint sensor and Google Pixel 4 Face Unlock. Both companies have acknowledged the issues and committed to releasing the patches "soon" (Samsung is said to be testing fixes in certain countries already). What can you in the meantime? With Workspace ONE... Continue Reading →

Workspace ONE Notifications in Intelligent Hub – a real-life use case

A few weeks ago, like many others, we were hit by an O365 Exchange outage. What does usually an admin do, when something is down? -Send an email! But what do you do when email is also down? Ring/Text everyone? Blast it in Teams/Skype/Slack/etc? Pigeons? This is what happened in our case with Workspace ONE Notifications API... Continue Reading →

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