WS1 UEM 1904: Fixing the ObjectGUID warning and improving SAML SSO security

If you use SAML SSO to log into the Workspace ONE UEM (AirWatch) console, you may see this warning after upgrading to 1904. First - don't panic! Everything still functions! Now that we're calm, let's find out what it is and how to address it. On the menu today: What is this strange warning and... Continue Reading →

Device Compliance with Identity Manager – the less obvious implementation details

Everyone likes the idea of Device Compliance checks. It allows us to differentiate between Company-issues, BYOD-enrolled, private and totally foreign devices, assess their security posture and execute access decisions based on this vital data, expanding our Conditional Access options. It is also extremely easy to use, just like that (VIDM Admin Console): Device Compliance can... Continue Reading →

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