[WLAN] Motorola Solutions simplifies WING5 Licensing: free stuff

Is was around for a while, but now it's official. Motorola (Solutions) simplifies licensing for it's WING5 WLAN Platform. The following features are now free: Analytics This is the client analytics (mainly for Retail and hospitality industry) so many were talking about. Allows offering guest access services to customers to understand user behavior by gathering... Continue Reading →

Running a WLAN controller in VMWare Player

Motorola WiNG5.6 firmware images were finally posted last week, and along them, the VX9000 cloud controller DEMO image. I am very excited about it, as it allows me to run a VM version of Motorola's top controller (or cluster, or hierarchy for that sake) right on my laptop! No need to say about potential for... Continue Reading →

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