Android management in China – what are your options?

After I published the article regarding the enrollment of Android devices in closed networks, the hottest question was how to apply it for China. The answer is as usual “it depends”. If you want to know more – read on! What’s the problem?What options are available?What is the optimal approach? What’s the problem? Problem is... Continue Reading →

Android Q Enterprise Features for EMM Admin

This is a brief analysis on the upcoming Android Enterprise Features in Android Q. Read the full notes here. Google has a habit of silently updating those documents, so I expect to update this post once subsequent iterations of Beta are released. The below is my sole opinion, and I welcome hearing yours. NB: it... Continue Reading →

[iOS vs Android] OS and Application Updates

I frequently get this question from customers and partners: "How can I control Application and OS Updates in iOS and Android". So I'll drop a note here. Update management includes: Configuring the behaviour of OS upgrades (major), patches, public apps (via App/Play Store, VPP) and private apps (via App/Play Store or directly via EMM)Scheduling updates to happen (or... Continue Reading →

Lockdown in Android Enterprise (Android P DP1)

I’ve previously covered the BYOD experience in Android P, now let’s delve into corporate-owned scenarios. My attempt to cover everything in a single long post had failed, so I’m splitting this into a series. Today we’re covering lockdown. Retrospective Early Android ideology assumed that device lockdown should be impossible. After all, here’s how ransomware works... Continue Reading →

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